Coordinator: F. Piazza | Speakers: I.J. Fernandez, E. Yorgancilar, H. Chelly |
LECTURE: Type I tympanoplasty using interlay technique and regenerative therapy
Chairman: M. Bonali | Speaker: R. Kanai |
LECTURE: The artificial intelligence in cholesteatoma surgery
Chairman: M. Hosoya | Speaker: M. Takahashi |
SPECIAL LECTURE: Is there still a role for surgery of the vestibular system?
Chairman: E. Genovese | Speaker: M. Mandalà |
SPECIAL EVENT: Online grand rounds lecture: Vertigo management
Chairman: A. James | Speaker: J. Rutka |
THE TWO CORRIDORS TO THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL: Surgical anatomy of middle cranial fossa and transpromontorial approach
Chairman: M. Tong | Speakers: L. Garcia Ibanez, M. Alicandri Ciufelli |
PANEL: Clinical cases for young otologists: Sharing the experience
Moderator: G. Molteni | Panelists: J.C. Pérez Barrón, M. Khan, H. Priyono, M. Reddy |
YOUNG OTOLOGY SESSION: Lateral skull base surgery: Paper and video competition
Moderator: Z. Schwam |
PANEL: Tips and tricks for young otologists: How to begin
Coordinator: M. Mandalà | Panelists: M. Levorato, M. Malic, E. Murugasu, T. Ebaied |